For me, Experience Points is a way to communicate my enjoyment of an form of art and entertainment I have loved my entire life. But my most grandiose motivation lies in my belief that the time has come for video games and the folks who play them to make their bid for widespread cultural acceptance.
A huge portion of gamers have grown up while refusing to abandon their treasured pastime: we have jobs, social lives, friends, and (you might want to sit down for this) lovers. The gaming community consists of the young, the old, a multitude of nationalities, ethnicities, and gender identities. Ours is a global culture, and we number in the millions.
Our medium of choice has grown and diversified similarly to other artistic categories. Film is considered art even though the dismal "Citizen Kane" to "Catwoman" ratio. And what of the "Dostoevsky to shirtless Fabio on the cover" ratio? I argue that games exist in a similar manner: Some video games made simply to entertain, some to cash in on a franchise, and some are just rotten. However, some games stand as monuments to creativity and have nuanced points regarding the human condition. I always wished for the day when that notion would be broadly accepted.
A generation of people understand the phrase "But our princess is in another castle!" as well as "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse." A new cohort has internalized that a spy's best friend can be a Walther PPK or a cardboard box. Gamers must connect with each other and gain the confidence to demonstrate the artistic merits of video games. This mission should not be rigid or grim, but rather determined and joyful. Today, I stop wishing and start acting, knowing that I am in good company.