Mechanical Inequality
When I play a video game, I am agreeing to explore a set of rules put forth by the developer. There is a reasonable expectation that this set of rules follows its own internal logic, and is fair and balanced. When game mechanics deviate from these expectations arbitrarily, they fuel frustration and deliver a steaming pile of dissonance. The most recent example I have encountered has left numerous players flabbergasted. In Assassin's Creed 2, why can no one in Italy swim but Ezio?

Other offenders include Resident Evil 5 and Call of Juarez. The jerky control scheme in RE5 consistently infuriates me, yet those undead hordes move with a deadly grace far beyond what their rotting musculature should allow. While CoJ handles fine, the frequent duels with shockingly prescient opponents turn a classic Western climax into an insufferable pain. Mechanical inequality is sloppy at best, and particularly offensive considering how apparent these flaws become over time.
The Blank Slate
Like the judges of Britain's Got Talent, I am a big fan of diversity. I would love to see more non-normative characters in games. Though I am a person of color myself, if a character is compelling enough, I usually relate to a normative protagonist easily. These profile tropes are more egregious when these protagonists lack character. Unfortunately, the number of emotionless stereotypes populating the medium in 2009 has been overwhelming. The ranks of short-haired white-males with stern appearances and vapid behaviors have grown too plentiful. In their ranks I include Ezio of Assassin's Creed 2, Cole of inFamous, Alex of Prototype, and Alec from Red Faction: Guerrilla, just to name a few.

Artificial Unintelligence
I understand developers - and mad scientists - have been struggling with artificial intelligence for decades. Creating realistic behaviors for non-player characters is a daunting and arduous task. That being said, we all recognize when NPCs act with glaring stupidity. Most of the time, this idiocy manifests in the background. The civilians of Prototype, for example, run around in disaster sites with chaotic abandon. They exhibit no sense of purpose, no realistic desire to flee to safety. The same can be said of civilians in Assassin's Creed 2, who quickly forget about witnessing a murder and continue their perpetual roaming of the city

2010 will not be the year of miracles. There will be more head-shaven dolts rampaging about inconsistent and unfair worlds. Yet, a short ineffective rant about a year of flaws can be healthy. It allows me to temper my optimism for this year's titles, while also appreciating the efforts of those who seek to enliven the medium and learn from past mistakes. With my aggravations cleared out, I am open for all the successes and failures the future holds.