Wednesday, May 5, 2010

EXP Podcast #76: The Future of Games - In 3-D!

Have recent video games left you feeling a little flat? Fear not: as we speak, companies are getting ready to venture in to your living room via the third dimension. This week, we use Gus Mastrapa's article about the current 3-D gaming scene to discuss what may be the next big visual leap in games. Topics include everything from the practical costs of the technology to its implications for game design. Regardless of whether you already own a custom pair of 3-D goggles or if you still rock a black-and-white tube-TV, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Some discussion starters:

- What kind of barrier to entry does 3-D face pose for the average gamer? Is there a certain price it must reach or a certain feature it must have before you make the jump?

- What do you think the relationship will be between 3-D and other technologies such as motion control and head tracking?

- How would you like to see 3-D implemented in games (if at all)? Are there certain existing games that you feel would benefit from the added depth?

- How does something like the Nintendo DS (or the forthcoming "3DS") impact your thoughts on TV and monitor-based 3-D rigs?

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Show notes:

- Run time: 27 min 42 sec
- "Why 3-D Gaming's Future is Still Blurry," by Gus Mastrapa
- Music provided by Brad Sucks