Wednesday, September 8, 2010

EXP Podcast #94: Post PAX Podcast

While we weren’t able to make it to PAX this year, the magic of the Internet allowed us to vicariously experience one of gaming’s best conventions. This week we’re taking advantage of the still-present PAX afterglow by talking about some of our favorite news from the show. We touch on the importance of expectations and nostalgia, the quiet innovation of some of the smaller games, and the general evolution of the conference itself. Since PAX incorporates everything from huge announcements (like Duke’s return) to low-key indie premieres (like The Witness), it’s almost impossible to catch everything, so feel free to jump into the comments to share what stood out to you.

Some discussion starters:

- For those of you who made it to the conference, what were your overall impressions? What would you like to see from PAX in the future?

- What is your reaction to Duke Nukem? Are you interested in the game and does the franchise have a future?

- SpyParty was a pleasant and unexpected surprise for both Jorge and me. What unexpected games impressed you?

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Show notes:

- Run time: 27 min 53 sec
- Music provided by Brad Sucks